silverlit robot SilverLit: Robo Heads Up Unicorn or Puppy (ASSORTED)
SilverLit: Robo Heads Up Unicorn or Puppy (ASSORTED) $16.99
Please note: If you are ordering this product online, you will be sent one random selection of the two variants. Robo Heads Up, interactive robot that comes & goes with one touch! Push its head down, it will bark and go forward! Lift its head up, it will bark and go backward! Available in Puppy and Unicorn style (sold separately). Perfect robot pets for kids 3 and up! Interactive robot that comes & goes with one touch! Push its head down, it will bark and go forward! Lift its head up, it will bark and go backward! Speaker for lively sound SFX Lively LED Eyes Available in Puppy and Unicorn style (Sold Separately)