excel stem Excel Basic Skills - Mental Maths Strategies Year 3
Excel Basic Skills - Mental Maths Strategies Year 3 $14.99
Mental Maths is the Maths we do in our heads without the use of calculators. There are different ways of finding the answer to any Mental Maths problem, and such strategies are the focus of this series. Even though calculators and computers play big role in the modern world, we still need to go back to the basics. Mental Maths has become more important than ever and new primary Maths syllabuses in Australia are reflecting this. For example, NSW has placed an emphasis on Mental Maths in its primary syllabus, and even the Year 10 School Certificate examination has a compulsory non-calculator section.   Features of this book include:   32 double-page units of Mentals are included - 8 units for each school term Each unit is divided into four sets (A,B,C and D) of 15 questions each each numbered question covers particular Maths topics throughout the book: for example, Question 1 always covers addition, while Question 15 always covers geometry a special section at the front of the book gives different strategies and explanations to help students solve Mentals problems. These are also numbered so they link to the question numbers in each Mentals unit A unit, containing fun activities, and a revision unit are included at the end of each 8 units Extra practice sections which reinforce particular strategies appear in the lower part of each page Answers to all questions are in a lift-out section in the centre of the book
excel stem Excel SmartStudy - Science Year 8
Excel SmartStudy - Science Year 8 $24.99
Get the Results You Want—the Smart Way! This book serves as a structured revision program for all students undertaking Year 8 Science. It has been designed to help students revise for class tests, half-yearly and end-of-year exams. It is structured to consolidate students’ understanding in line with Australian Curriculum outcomes. Through Quick Revision, concise Revision Summaries, Revision Test, Sample Exam Papers and Answers, this book will ensure that your child is fully prepared for class exams. This book outlines the five steps to test and exam success:Step 1: Quick RevisionStep 2: Revision SummariesStep 3: Revision TestStep 4: Sample Exam PapersStep 5: Check Your Answers CHAPTERS: Strand: Biological sciences• Cells• Body systems Strand: Chemical sciences• Elements and compounds Strand: Earth and space sciences• Minerals and rocks• Ores and environmental issues Strand: Physical sciences• Energy Skills• Investigations and problem solving Tips for the Sample ExamsSample Exam PapersAnswersTest & Exam ResultsFeedback ChecklistIndex
excel stem Excel SmartStudy - Science Year 10
Excel SmartStudy - Science Year 10 $24.99
Get the Results You Want—the Smart Way! Specifically written for the Year 10 Australian Curriculum Science course, this book outlines the five steps to test and exam success: Step 1: Quick RevisionStep 2: Revision SummariesStep 3: Revision TestStep 4: Sample Exam PapersStep 5: Check Your Answers CHAPTERS: Strand: Biological sciences• Evolution • Genetics and DNA Strand: Chemical sciences• Atoms, elements and the periodic table • Chemical reactions Strand: Earth and space sciences• The universe and global sciences Strand: Physical sciences• Motion, force and energy Skills• Investigations and problem solving Tips for the Sample ExamsSample Exam PapersAnswersTest & Exam ResultsFeedback ChecklistIndex
excel stem Excel SmartStudy - Mathematics Year 9
Excel SmartStudy - Mathematics Year 9 $24.99
Get the Results You Want—the Smart Way! This book serves as a structured revision program for all students undertaking Year 9 Mathematics. It has been designed to help students revise for class tests, half-yearly and end-of-year exams. It is structured to consolidate students’ understanding in line with Australian Curriculum outcomes. Through concise Study Notes, Skills Checks, Intermediate/Advanced Tests, Sample Exam Papers and Worked Solutions, this book will ensure that your child is fully prepared for class exams.This revision guide outlines the six steps to test and exam success:Step 1: Study NotesStep 2: Skills CheckStep 3: Intermediate TestStep 4: Advanced TestStep 5: Sample Exam PapersStep 6: Check Your Worked SolutionsCHAPTERS: Review Number and Algebra Measurement and Geometry Strand: Number and Algebra Money and Financial Mathematics Proportion Algebra Linear Relationships Non-linear Relationships Strand: Measurement and Geometry Area and Surface Area Right Prisms Cylinders Geometry Trigonometry Strand: Statistics and Probability Single Variable Data Analysis Probability Tips for the Sample Exam PapersSample Exam PapersWorked SolutionsTest & Exam ResultsFeedback ChecklistIndex
Not specified stem Excel SmartStudy - Advanced Mathematics Year 10
Excel SmartStudy - Advanced Mathematics Year 10 $24.99
Get the Results You Want—the Smart Way!This book outlines the six steps to test and exam success:Step 1: Study NotesStep 2: Skills CheckStep 3: Intermediate TestStep 4: Advanced TestStep 5: Sample Exam PapersStep 6: Check Your Worked Solutions CHAPTERS: Strand: Number and Algebra Real Numbers Functions and Other Graphs Polynomials Linear and Non-linear Relationships Algebraic Techniques Strand: Measurement and Geometry Surface Area and Volume Geometry Circle Geometry Pythagoras and Trigonometry Strand: Statistics and Probability Mean and Standard Deviation Investigations of Data Sets and Reports Tips for the Sample Exam PapersSample Exam Papers
excel stem Excel SmartStudy - Mathematics Year 10
Excel SmartStudy - Mathematics Year 10 $24.99
Get the Results You Want—the Smart Way!This book outlines the six steps to test and exam success:Step 1: Study NotesStep 2: Skills CheckStep 3: Intermediate TestStep 4: Advanced TestStep 5: Sample Exam PapersStep 6: Check Your Worked Solutions CHAPTERS: Strand: Number and Algebra Financial Mathematics Algebraic Techniques Linear and Non-linear Relationships Strand: Measurement and Geometry Using Units of Measurement Geometric Reasoning Trigonometry Strand: Statistics and Probability Chance Date Representation and Interpretation Tips for the Sample Exam PapersSample Exam PapersWorked SolutionsTest & Exam ResultsFeedback Checklist
excel stem Excel SmartStudy - English Year 10
Excel SmartStudy - English Year 10 $24.99
Get the Results You Want—the Smart Way!These books outline the 12 steps to test and exam success in English:Step 1: Reading WorkStep 2: Comprehension WorkStep 3: Spelling WorkStep 4: Vocabulary WorkStep 5: Grammar WorkStep 6: Punctuation WorkStep 7: Writing WorkStep 8: Writing SampleStep 9: Writing Your Own SampleStep 10: Check Your AnswersStep 11: Tips for the Sample TestsStep 12: Sample Tests
excel stem Excel SmartStudy - English Year 9
Excel SmartStudy - English Year 9 $24.99
Get the Results You Want—the Smart Way!These books outline the 12 steps to test and exam success in English:Step 1: Reading WorkStep 2: Comprehension WorkStep 3: Spelling WorkStep 4: Vocabulary WorkStep 5: Grammar WorkStep 6: Punctuation WorkStep 7: Writing WorkStep 8: Writing SampleStep 9: Writing Your Own SampleStep 10: Check Your AnswersStep 11: Tips for the Sample TestsStep 12: Sample Tests
excel stem Excel SmartStudy - English Year 8
Excel SmartStudy - English Year 8 $24.99
Get the Results You Want—the Smart Way!These books outline the 12 steps to test and exam success in English:Step 1: Reading WorkStep 2: Comprehension WorkStep 3: Spelling WorkStep 4: Vocabulary WorkStep 5: Grammar WorkStep 6: Punctuation WorkStep 7: Writing WorkStep 8: Writing SampleStep 9: Writing Your Own SampleStep 10: Check Your AnswersStep 11: Tips for the Sample TestsStep 12: Sample Tests
excel stem Excel SmartStudy - English Year 7
Excel SmartStudy - English Year 7 $24.99
Get the Results You Want—the Smart Way!These books outline the 12 steps to test and exam success in English:Step 1: Reading WorkStep 2: Comprehension WorkStep 3: Spelling WorkStep 4: Vocabulary WorkStep 5: Grammar WorkStep 6: Punctuation WorkStep 7: Writing WorkStep 8: Writing SampleStep 9: Writing Your Own SampleStep 10: Check Your AnswersStep 11: Tips for the Sample TestsStep 12: Sample Tests
excel stem Excel Basic Skills: Mental Maths Strategies Year 4
Excel Basic Skills: Mental Maths Strategies Year 4 $14.99
More than just Mental Maths books - this series will equip students with all the Mental Maths strategies they need to excel in Maths through out their lives. All the books in this series have an 18 page 'Help' section at the front of the book with a list of strategies and explanations carefully cross-referenced to relate directly to each appropriate question in each unit.Features of this series: 32 double-page units of Mentals, with each unit divided into four sets of 20 questions each. The questions are set out in a special order with each question only covering selected topics in Mentals Maths a Fun Spot unit, containing fun activities, and a revision unit are included at the end of each 8 units extra practice sections which reinforce particular strategies appear in the lower part of every page answers to all questions are in a lift-out section in the centre of the books, to be removed if required an index to the 'Help' section to help students find the help they need fast
excel stem Excel Basic Skills - Mental Maths Strategies Year 1
Excel Basic Skills - Mental Maths Strategies Year 1 $14.99
More than just Mental Maths books - this series will equip students with all the mental maths strategies they need to excel in Maths through out their lives. Mental Maths is the maths we do in our heads without the use of calculators and without writing down the calculation. Mental Maths strategies are the 'tricks' we use to do Maths in our heads. There are different ways of finding the answer to any Mental Maths problem, and such strategies are the focus of this series. Mental Maths has become more important than ever and new primary Maths syllabuses in Australia are reflecting this. For example, NSW has placed an emphasis on Mental Maths in its primary syllabus, and even the Year 10 School Certificate examination has a compulsory non-calculator section. Features of this book: 32 double-page units of Mentals are included - 8 units for each school term. Each unit is divided into four sets (A, B, C and D) each set within each unit covers a different area of Maths: for example, set A always covers addition, subtraction, multiplication and division, while set D always covers measurement the fun illustrations and cartoons will help children engage with the Maths concepts and enjoy completing the activities the answers to all questions are in a lift-out section in the centre of the book a special 'Help' section at the front of the book gives different strategies and explanations to help students solve Mentals problems. This link to the different kind of questions found in sets A, B, C and D
excel stem Excel Basic Skills - Mental Maths Strategies Year 2
Excel Basic Skills - Mental Maths Strategies Year 2 $14.99
Mental Maths is the maths we do in our heads without the use of calculators and without writing down the calculation. Mental Maths strategies are the 'tricks' we use to do Maths is our heads. There are different ways of finding the answer to any Mental Maths problem, and such strategies are the focus of this series. Excel Basic Skills: Mental Maths Strategies Year 2 contains: 32 units of work, with eight units of work for each school term. each unit is broken up into 4 sets: A, B, C and D. Each set is on a different topic. uou will notice illustrations at the top of nearly every page. These characters are used to convey an important strategy or step in Mental Maths. each page of Mental Maths has an extra practice section in the lower part which will give the student further practice in a concept. The illustrations help explain the concepts and strategies that could be used to answer the questions. answers are provided in the middle of the book
pascal stem Targeting STEM Journal Year 3
Targeting STEM Journal Year 3 $17.99
Each Targetting STEM Journal comes with 42 exciting projects for students to complete independently or in groups throughout the school year. The hands-on projects are great for kinesthetic learners and designed to strengthen understanding in areas of Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics. The projects come with engaging pictures, easy-to-follow four step methods and a list of requirements (containing commonly available resources) for the students to experiment with. This book comes with 42 STEM focused projects for students to complete independently or in groups throughout the school year. This activity book is a great learning companion for students in year 3 or ages 7 to 8. Inside you'll find projects designed to teach Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics concepts. The hands-on projects are designed to stimulate imagination and creativity, as well as, improve fine motor, hand-eye coordination and problem solving skills. The content follows the Australian curriculum and can be used for practice or as a further accompaniment to Science, Digital Technologies and Math subjects. Each page can be written on using pens, markers and crayons or photocopied for practicing the same lesson again and again. Each project comes with: a journalling page for students to write about the project and sketch out ideas, charts to complete with data from the experiments, additional step-by-steps to take the project further, interesting facts and trivia about the subject and questions to extend thinking. You can find a brief overview of the contents and units on the flipside of the front cover.
pascal stem Targeting STEM Student Journal Year 4
Targeting STEM Student Journal Year 4 $17.99
The Year 4 Targeting STEM Journal is an exciting combination of Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics. It provides 42 projects for students to work on independently or in groups using a range of commonly available resources. Each project contains four steps with a picture list of requirements and just enough explanation for launching students on their journeys of discovery. Each project includes a journal page with: Space to write about the project and sketch out ideas Charts to complete with data from the experiments More step-by-steps to take the project further Interesting facts and trivia about the subject and questions to extend thinking. All the units cover curriculum content for several subject areas, including Digital Technologies. A table with the ACARA code correlations is on the inside cover. Answers (where relevant) are in the back of the book